Ranting on the Route to Insanity

Ranting on the Route to Insanity

Hey! Curious individual that I am, I wanna know how many different people are reading this

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Irony at its best

Irony is a bitch. Seriously.

I’ve just spent over six hours on a bus that would take me to and from a town in the middle of nowhere to attend a choral competition at the middle-of-nowhere town’s high school. ... The time actually sepnt in that high school? About three hours.

And I repeat: Irony is a freaking bitch.

Where’s Karma when I need it?

But it’s all cool. Mostly.

The bus ride there was okay. We were allowed to sleep on the ride there, mainly because it was three freaking hours, so instead of sleeping, I pulled out my mp3 player, blasted music, and lightly dozed for about ten minutes every... Twenty miles or so. It’s hard to sleep-sleep when your head smacks the window every other second. That and my morning meds keep me awake. But whatever.

The competition itself was... Eh.

I didn’t go watch anyone sing their solos. Mainly because I’ve already seen them so many times in the classroom that I could probably sing them myself. And because I don’t/didn’t sing until 1:20 or so... (You’ve probably guessed that I’m writing this part as it’s happening...) I flopped down in their distinctly unusual cafeteria and fiddled around on my laptop.

Gotta say.... Good way to pass the time.

Except for the fact that my laptop’s going to die in an hour or so because it’s not plugged in. ... Not my fault though. This time. Every time I try to move to the table nearest to the plug in someone else sits down at the table.

Oh well.

Time for the ride home.

(This next part has been written long after the ride was over.)

The ride home was, fortunately, rather uneventful.

We were celebrating because one group got a 1 rating while the second group got a 2. That’s good. Really good.

And, of course, the day drained me like no other. I mean, I’m used to it. Being drained by about five horus of singing. The adrenaline rush is a major exhauster. You heart beats a million miles a minute for about five minutes... And then suddenly, BAM! You’re exhausted.

I sang twice. ... So I went through that twice.


I hung out with a couple cute guys. And was talking to one this evening before I decided to quit procrastinating and went to finish typing this up. ... He’s cute. And sweet. And crazy-insane. And he’s seriously awesome. I feel lucky. xD

Anyway. Exhaustion. Bus. Riding home. Right.

We’re n the bus, and I’m flat exhausted. I prop one of my books in the corner, drop my jacket over it, and curl up. I didn’t expect to sleep - the bus was hitting a bump every other second. So when I dozed off, I was certainly not expecting to wake up on the ground with a stinging knee. And that was when I discovered...

The bus bit me.

Okay... So I fell off the seat. But the bus still scarred up my knee and BIT ME! :o

Aaaand... Exhausted again. Gonna kick my net into gear, post this and then go to bed. ‘Cause I’m tired. And there’s nothing you can say or do to stop me.

I’ll post something amusing when I get back up. :] Promiiise~

Ever Yours,
but still super tired and ready to pass out for twelve solid hours,
The Night Thief

Friday, April 23, 2010


Yeah, that's me, a busy little bee! ... Wow, it rhymed! Talk about freaky!! :D


Life can be such a pain. Really.

Tomorrow, also known as Saturday, is the State Solo and Small Ensemble competition. And guess who gets to wake up über early, leave at the crack of dawn, hang out on a bus for around three hours, spend all day in a gym full of obnoxiously loud students, sing abit, more gym time, sing some more, then proceed back to the bus for another three plus damn forsaken hours, all the while being stuck miles away from the best friend that needs them?

Me. That's who.

I feel awful.

Mainly 'cause I'm so excited for the competition.

Damn me!

Well. I'm obviously damned enough because it's stopped raining (for now), the sky is über dark and the sun somehow shines, afore mentioned best friend is at her true house in BFE Numba 2 Kansas, AAAAAAANDDDD..... Mother Nature's a friggen witch. FTL!

I want some chocolate. Like... Seriously bad. Or ice cream. And a heating pad. Or a dark room to sleep. A dark room in my house. With my cat posse.

Yeah. Chocolate and a dark room with my cat posse.

But I have stuff I gotta do today... And if I want to go to competition tomorrow, I gotta be here for at least half the day... Which means attending the fail lunch the provide us with. ... Great.


Ever Yours ,
but highly annoyed and in need of chocolate,
The Night Thief

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How It Ends -- Review

I can finally write a review for this. Finally. It took a solid day to gather my thoughts... But I did it. :] So let's take it from the top. :]


"How It Ends" by Laura Wiess


All Hanna's wanted since Sophomore year is Seth. She's one out with other uys, even ained a rep for being a flirt, all the while hoping cool, guitar-playing Seth will choose her. Then she gets him -- but their relationship is hurtful, stormy and critical, not at all what Hanna thinks a perfect love should be. Bewildered by Seth's treatment of her and in need of understanding, Hanna decides to fulfill her school's community service requirement by spending time with Helen, her terminally ill neighbor, who she's turned to for comfort and wisdom throughout her life. But illness has changed Helen into someone Hanna hardly knows, and her home is not the refuge it once was. Feeling more alone than ever, Hanna gets drawn into an audiobook the older woman is listening to, a fierce, unsettling story of passion, sacrifice, and devotion. Hanna's fascinated by the idea that such an all-encompassing love can truly exist, and without her even realizing it, the story beings to change her. Until the day when the story becomes all too real...and Hanna's world is spun off its axis by its shattering, irrevocable conclusion.

My Thoughts::
"How It Ends" hit me hard and hit me fast. It might have been because I know how Hanna felt in the proloue. I've been through a tough time that eventually did lead to a divorce, and like any young child would, I blamed myself. And I felt an immediate kinship with Helen who had to create a fictional world to keep young-Hanna happy. Being an older sister to a younger brother took a lot out of me, especially when his questions went on and on and on.

As the years went on, Helen reminded me distinctly of my own grandmother, now deceased, who would also take in the stray cats (once-owned by people who decided that dropping them in the middle of BFE was a good idea) from the area and feed them and slowly gain their trust.

And as the story progresses, you see that Seth is... Well. He's a pain. Simply put, be glad he's not real. Sure, there are guys like him out there... But after reading this, you'll know who they are and what they're reeeally doing. And you can slap a hazard stickeron him, or something. >:]

More than likely, if I reveal too much more, I'll spoil the whole story... So go and check this book out and read for yourself "How It Ends".

Hah. :D Play on words, see? ... Well. It was corny. But I tried. =P

Seriously though, go read it.


FIVE out of FIVE stars!

Well. Time to skip out...

I have pie to eat, after all. >:D

Ever Yours,
The Night Thief

Monday, April 19, 2010

How do I say this?

I finished "How It Ends" by Laura Wiess. ... I freaking loved it. But I'm currently too sad/shocked/OMGIFREKAINGKNEWITAAAAAAAAAAARGH'd to write up a really good review and stuff. Give me a little longer to process. Expect a decent summary and review tomorrow.

Unusually Sad,
The Night Thief

Sunday, April 18, 2010

David Bowie

I've decided that I'm going to call forth the Goblin King to steal my sibling away and then I'll trade myself for said sibling. Or something. And then we'll go away to the castle beyond the Goblin City and live "happily ever after". I will love him, fear him, do as he says (and pet him and squeeze him and love him and call him George...), and he will be my slave. Woo! Insanity, FOR THE WIN!!

So. The events that have cheerfully lead me to this belief: Labyrinth is the cure-all for each and every one of my family's war's.

And really, that's a great thing. Because after a while, I can tell you that I get tired of playing the victim. But even more so, I'm tired of playing the peace-maker. I'm tired of going from being a 'awesome, intelligent daughter' to a 'stupid, interfering bitch'. It's starting to screw with my mind. And my heart? It's like when my mom and brother fight, something's tearing my heart apart, and one day it's going to kill me. And maybe it wouldn't be quite so bad if I had someone there for me, someone to act as a confident, but I don't, not really. This kind of stuff isn't what you burden friends with. I'm used to it and they're not; they'd probably collapse from mental and emotional exhaustion if they knew all of the nitty gritty shit. So I'll stay like this and wait to explode.

.... Wow. Uhh... Sorry. Too heavy. I made this blog to do reviews and that stuff, not to pms about family issues. My bad. Back to the upbeat stuff...


I'm thinking about reviewing books and fanfiction as well as tv shows and stuff. Mainly because I read about three books a week on average.

That said, look forward to a review/praise for "Need" in the near future. And "How It Ends".

Ugh. School tomorrow. Guess that means it's time for me to snag a cat and saunter towards bed. And pray that Jareth finds me soon. ... And pray that he can find the spare key, 'cause we don't have a chimney for him to fly in through any more! x)

Ever Yours,
The Night Thief

Fancy Schmancy

That's what I like to call it, more as a term of endearment than anything else though, if you know what I mean. But you probably call it "Prom".

Personally, I like "fancy schmancy". Then again, I'm a crazy freak that enjoys putting their thoughts and ideas out for a judgmental world to view and comment upon. Not like I've gotten any comments. Eh. It doesn't bother me all too much. This is my blog, after all. Set up by me, for me, and only written for myself. If someone else is enjoying it, then good for them. Otherwise, I don't really give a rat's ass.

Anyway. Back to the fancy schmancy dance known as Prom.

It's supposed to be epic, especially for me because I'm graduating in (omigodomigodomigod) less than a month, but tonight's prom? ... Huge. Epic. Fail.

It was awful. Really.

I don't know about you, but I like music. One of my favorite quotes in life, and also a favored motto, is "Music on; world off". Was the music on? Yes. Was the world off? .... Kind of. The question that really matters, the question that will thoroughly describe the dance in a few short and simple words, "Was the music worth it?" My answer: Hell no.

To me, music is something to be revered. You cherish it. Worship it. Love it. Our DJ? .... Not so much. Litterally, the only songs he played all the way through were Lady Gaga's Bad Romance, some weird dance thingie, the Cha Cha Slide, the Cupid Shuffle, and a (c)rap(py) hiphop song. Seriously. All the rest began (literally) halfway through the song and then played for about a minute and a half before sloooooowly oozing into another song.

And before you ask what's the matter with that, imagine this...

Imagine Uprising by Muse. And Party in The USA by Miley Cyrus. .... Imagine Uprising meshing with PitUSA and then sloooooooowly morphing into just PitUSA. ... Yeah. It gave me the BIGGEST headache I've had in quite a while. Even bigger than my reaction/sleeploss headache from Friday.

I think a part of me died inside.

Oh! And the songs themselves freaking sucked. ... Yeah. I recognized the Cha Cha Slide, the Cupid Shuffle, the weird ho-down song, and Journey's ever famous Don't Stop Believing. The rest? Pretty much went like this::
DJ: *begins playing random song halfway through old song*
Me: Wtf...?
Friend: *shrugs*

Yeah. But the bonus points for this year? I didn't go outside and mope. I didn't dance with a guy... But one of my best friends was with her boyfriend - the one that called me beautiful - so we got to mess with him all night, two good friends came together and the girl looked like a freaking gorgeous princess, and two of my good friends won the king and queen position.

Sad points: Cute Guy #1 is MIA until Monday. Sad panda. Cute Guy #2 is MIA. Period. So I'll see him Monday, too. Cute Guy #3.... Still doesn't realize that he's in a lose-lose situation unless he leaves his girlfriend.... The girls at my school are sluts. ... No surprise there. We nearly got in trouble when we went to eat after Prom... Because some teens roughed up the Plaza in Kansas, and now everyone else is on edge. ... Great. Restaraunt rulez: Must be at least 18 or accompanied by an adult of at least 25 years of age. What a hassle! Le sigh...

And (on a completely different note) my Forensics meet today absolutely SUCKED. But it's cool. :] I'll live.

So.... The day in a short, wholesome nutshell. .... To bed now. :] Kinda sleepy. Hoping for good dreams, yea~?

Thanks for (not?) listening, everyone. Enjoy your morning/day/afternoon/evening/night. And remember.... Be safe. :]


Ever Yours,
The Night Thief

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day of Silence

Good morning, world!

Well, maybe not 'good', but morning nonetheless.

Today is the 16th of April, also known as National Day of Silence. And unless you're absolutely clueless, you've realized that I'm participating. No speaking. No singing. No conversing. No nothing. Silence. It'll probably suck, considering that more than half my classes are based upon the act of singing/speaking... But whatever. I'll show my duct tape sign and paper slip and they'll GET OVER IT!

So what about you? Any duct tape and sharpies nearby? A shirt that (ironically) says "silence is golden, duct tape is silver', or something to that effect? Pages of paper with the summary paragraph from the DoS website? Join the cause.

For almost everyone out there, this cause should hit home. Almost all women are bi-curious or bisexual. A lot of 'hOMG, dun talk to me you fag' men are really just closet cases. Yaoi and yuri fangirls and fanboys.... Yeah. No more need for discussion on that topic.

Show your support. Be silent for a day.

Prevent someone's suicide because they're being abused for having the ability to LOVE.

Love is impossible to fight against. You cannot help who you love. Trust me. I've tried.

Hello! My name is The Night Thief, and today I will be completely and absolutely silent in order to protest the abuse of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons. Thank you for your cooperation.

Accept the challenge,
The Night Thief

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Getting Started

Well, hello.

I'd ask how you got here, but that's not really important. What I'd really like to know is why you're here.

This sanctuary you've somehow stumbled upon will be used to rant, rave, ramble, and do more things with r-related words. And no doubt much more. But for now, just the first three.

Although I'm not certain of what you're looking for, here you can find rants and raves over movies, books, tv shows, and games. And life in general, but I'm sure you've expected that.

My goal here? Amuse myself and others while proclaiming and denouncing things that I enjoy and dislike. And I'll be cheerfully doing so.

If you don't want to read... I assume you've already left. Otherwise, get the hell out. Now. Yes. Right now. ... 'Kay? 'Kay. Thanks. Bye.

Everyone else: grab on to your handy-dandy 'oh shit' handle and hang on. There's going to be some turbulence ahead.

Ever yours,
The Night Thief